Case Study: Jushin AVT Experience Center, South Korea

In a digital exclusive, Hurrairah bin Sohail speaks with Jushin AVT about its decision to establish an experience centre, the motivations behind the investment and the reception from the Korean AV market.
The AV industry is evolving with regards to how it engages with clients. Rather than ‘telling’ end users about how technology works, we are seeing a shift towards ‘showing’ them how AV systems can impact their spaces. This is resulting in an increasing investment in experience centres.
Jushin AVT, a Korean integrator, has recently established a 3,600 square foot facility designed for customers, dealers, designers, and architects.
Jesse Chung, director of business development at Jushin AVT, says: “The whole Experience Center has been implemented by Jushin and it is also being operated by Jushin. We purchased the products from Crestron and from other manufacturers as well, such as Shure, and the Experience Center has not been sponsored by any manufacturer. This is an initiative that Jushin has taken on its own.”
The investment in establishing the facility on the part of the integrator is significant and Chung explains why Jushin AVT embarked down this route: “Jushin has been extremely successful as an integrator in the traditional audio video industry. Our major business activity is to implement large conference rooms, such as executive rooms or boardrooms, for large enterprises. But, taking these accumulated capabilities and experience, we would like to expand our work and offering to encompass entire workplace transformation including small rooms or what we call huddle spaces now.”